
Printer Fault
started as an accident in 2019 by Ian Waelder.

was taking the
underground during his first time in Berlin in 2018 and encountered this message on the ticket machine.

Printer Fault Press is an artist-run publishing house that operates from a bedroom in Frankfurt am Main, with a foot in Mallorca. We produce ideas ranging from books, wearables to radio shows and limited edition prints. Supporting fellow artists in Frankfurt and elsewhere, Printer Fault serves as a heteronym to its collaborators and as an excuse to explore ways of sharing works and gestures of art through different projects.

Find our books here:
La Central, Barcelona & Madrid
Laie, Barcelona
La Biblioteca de Babel, Palma
Buchhandlung Walther König, Germany
Pro qm, Berlin
rile*, Brussels
Vide Books, Rotterdam
Tambourine, Online

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